
Denmark is not only the oldest kingdom in the world today, it also has the world's oldest flag, the Dannebrog, red with a white cross.  As the oldest flag in Scandinavia, the Dannebrog provided the pattern for the other Scandinavian flags. According to legend, it descended "as a sign from heaven" in 1219, turning defeat into victory for the Danish crusaders. The Dannebrog celebrated its 780th anniversary in 1999.  The Danes use every festive opportunity to fly their flags and this year's Midsummer Festival will be no exception.


Danish Canadian Society (DANIA)

Dania Facebook page

The Danish Canadian Society, also known as Dania, was formed in Edmonton in 1921 by a group of Danish people who were interested in keeping their heritage alive in Canada.  As a society, Dania strives to promote Danish heritage among the descendants of those early members and those who arrived from Denmark since the 1920's.   Throughout the year, Dania sponsors various activities, which include: two dinner dance nights offering traditional Danish foods  of course with Danish Aquavit; an annual horseshoe tournament/campout and is held at Lessard Lake Outdoor Education Centre by Sangudo.  This event will be held on June 21, 22 & 23, 2013.  We also host an October dinner and dance featuring a Danish menu; and a Children's Christmas party in December.   These dances are open to non-members, but some activities require a membership in Dania.  

For more information about Dania, please contact: