The modern Icelandic flag came into existence in 1915. For Icelanders it is like a vision of their country's landscape. Of the three colors of the flag, the deep blue signifies the ocean, the red the fire and the white the ice. The cross symbolizes the Christian faith, millennium. In the sign of the cross, the colors of the Icelandic flag united in a harmonious triad.
The Icelandic Canadian Club of Edmonton
Edmonton's original Icelandic Club was organized in 1934 and operated under the name Icelandic Society of Edmonton from 1976 to 2005. It is the Norđurljós (Northern Lights) chapter of the Icelandic National League. It strives to keep Icelandic cultural heritage alive through a newsletter, invited speakers and musicians. Traditional functions include a fall supper (Leif Eiriksson Day), Christmas party, Thorrablót (Þorrablót) in February, and an annual Alberta Icelandic Picnic (l'slendingamót) in June. The picnic is held in Markerville, home of the famous Icelandic Canadian poet Stephan G. Stephansson. The nearby Stephansson House is a fully staffed provincial historic site. Icelandic food is sold in the Kaffistofa (coffee shop) in the old Creamery, another historic site. Thorrablót (Þorrablót) is an annual dinner and dance event where favorite Icelandic foods and special entertainers are featured.
For club membership and information, please email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.