The Swedish flag is a yellow cross on a light blue field. There are many reasons for the Swedish flag being blue and yellow. They are the outstanding colors in the northern land. The flowers, the lakes, yellow cornfields against the blue of a summer's sky and the blue eyes and blonde hair of the girls. There are the same today as when the flag was first raised above Swedish soil.
Vasa Order of America, Skandia Lodge #549
The Vasa Order of America is a cultural fraternal organization for people of Swedish or Scandinavian descent with lodges throughout Canada, United States and Sweden. Skandia Lodge #549 is the local lodge in Edmonton, which was organized in 1929. Monthly meetings provide an opportunity to socialize and to learn about Sweden. Several activities are held every year to promote and preserve the Swedish culture and traditions. Vasa Park on Pigeon Lake is the site of a midsummer celebration, a Pea Soup and Pancake Brunch, several summer socials, and a Cultural Heritage Camp for Children. Vasa members can compete for university scholarships, as well as participate in sports competitions with other lodges within the province. Active groups associated with Skandia Lodge #549 include Ladies's Auxiliary, the Past Chairmen's Club, and the Vasa Pioneers No. 12, an activity club.